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Correctiv Wikipedia

Correctiv: A Force for Investigative Journalism in the Public Interest

Correctiv: A Unique Non-Profit News Model

Correctiv is a trailblazing media enterprise that embraces a non-profit investigative approach to journalism. Based in Essen, Germany, this organization operates independently, free from commercial influences. Correctiv's mission is to empower the public with in-depth, research-driven journalism that holds the powerful accountable.

A Catalyst for Change

As a multi-award-winning media outlet, Correctiv has earned a reputation for its fearless investigations into pressing social issues. Their work has sparked transformative changes, exposing corruption, shedding light on injustices, and demanding transparency from those in power. Through its commitment to investigative journalism, Correctiv serves as a catalyst for positive change, ensuring that the voices of the marginalized are heard and that accountability prevails.
